Formless Trainer
B.S Kinesiology & Nutrition and Psychology minors
Certified Personal Trainer & Corrective Exercise Specialist - National Academy of Sports Medicine
2 years of personal training experience
Exercise is a relationship. Treat it as one.
About me
I’ve been around activity and exercise my entire life. Through sports, lifting, being taught it, and teaching it myself. I understand just how crucial and life-changing that it really is. When I first started lifting on my own, I did everything wrong. Using an old weightlifting book from decades ago, I developed a poor mindset and executed it even more poorly. However, I don’t regret anything. Through this process created a love for weightlifting. The benefits of this form of exercise are crazy, probably even more than I give it credit for. My goal is to help spread the word (the right way) and create long-term changes in people's lives through lifting weights.
Focus Area
Body Recomposition, Corrective Exercise, Injury Prevention